Guidelines for presentersAll presenters are requested to come to the registration desk to upload their presentation half day before their communication. For those of you who present on Monday morning, please send your presentation at the latest on Sunday 3rd November to serge.palu@cirad.fr
KeynotesDuration is 30 minutes: 25’ presentation and 5’ questions Some guidance on the content
Oral presentationsDuration is 20 minutes + 3 min. questions Content
Lightning talk with posterDuration is 5 minutes – presentation (3 slides maximum including title page and acknowledgments ). All the Lightning talks will take place one after the other. The main objective for each lightning talk is to highlight the most interesting results in order to stimulate questions and discussions during the Poster session.
Poster presentationsPosters are a creative and popular alternative to the oral presentation of a paper. In a poster session, there is no formal oral presentation; instead, each author is assigned a display area on which diagrams, graphics, data, pictures/photos, and a small amount of text are presented. The poster should be self-understandable, but the author should be available at certain times, such as coffee breaks or refreshment breaks and during the devoted poster session, to interact with viewers and answer questions. Posters allow more time for authors and viewers to discuss the topic, more personal interaction and exchange of professional experience, initiate questions with focus on your subject, and the potential for continued display of the poster at your workplace. General guidelines for poster production How should you make the content of a poster? A good poster should answer the following questions.
Visual guideline for posters
We recommend to bring handout copies of your poster in A4 format, mainly if you are selected for a lightning talk, in order to promote your work during the 5 min oral presentation. Poster size All the posters will be installed the first day of the conference. Grids are provided (prefer posters with eyelets) The available surface for your poster is adapted to A0 format: